
Woocommerce Settings

1. General Setting.

You can setup page title and sub-title display on shop (all categories) page


2. Sub Category Setting.

With sub-category setting you can setup layout dislay as grid or mansory and number of columns


3. Product Listing Setting.

Style: You can setup list of product display as grid or masonry, with masonry style you have option enable isotope categories filter and infinite scroll

Number of Column: With this option you can setup layout with 2,3,4 product per row

Per Page: Default of WooCommerce you only can display 12 products on page with this option you can increase or reduce number of product per page

Layout: You can setup category page with left sidebar, right sidebar or no-sidebar

Hover Style: We define 4 options for hover style, you can easy switch on any style for you shop display


4. Product Detail Setting.

Product Detail Style: We define 3 styles layout (fixed, images thumbs slider and full with big images)

Product Detail Layout: You can setup detail page with left sidebar, right sidebar or no-sidebar

Miscellaneous: You can enable cloud zoom, change size guide image for all product, shipping & return text content
